Facebook analyze your facebook to offer you interesting and useful information:
- Discover your most popular publications. (Weekly, monthly, and total)
- Know which of your friends follow you the most.
- Investigate a friend, discover all your interactions with you.
- Rate your friends according to their tastes, using their reactions to your own publications and our powerful AI.
- Match your friends based on their likes and interests!
- Discover your level of Facebook addiction and your level of popularity.
- Tell us what else you want to know, and you will...
Facebook analyze your facebook to offer you interesting and useful information:
- Discover your most popular publications. (Weekly, monthly, and total)
- Know which of your friends follow you the most.
- Investigate a friend, discover all your interactions with you.
- Rate your friends according to their tastes, using their reactions to your own publications and our powerful AI.
- Match your friends based on their likes and interests!
- Discover your level of Facebook addiction and your level of popularity.
- Tell us what else you want to know, and you will...